Expertemc assumes its responsibilities in terms of environmental values. Good management must be an integral and fundamental part of our business. Although we believe we have a minimal impact on the environment, we aim to continue to improve its environmental performance by:
Comply with the requirements of all environmental legislation.
Evaluate the environmental effects of all business operations.
Raise awareness, encourage participation and train employees.
Expect similar environmental standards from all suppliers and contractors.
Actively promote recycling internally to our staff and externally to our customers and suppliers.
Preserve natural resources through increased energy efficiency and better water management.
Control waste and avoid the use of hazardous substances.
Require the use of recycled materials, where applicable.
Prevent and reduce pollution by implementing effective control procedures to monitor and manage materials and processes that impact the environment.
Improve environmental implementation.
Track progress and evaluate performance annually.
Carrying out our operational plans within the framework of this policy will allow Expertemc to develop sustainable practices and contributions to the quality of our environment.
Expertemc Consulting
Reliability Prediction Services
Tel.: 1 (438) 898-7005