The design for reliability represents the method of developing products or systems that consistently fulfill their intended functions for a period, without any failure, based on principles and practices.
The practical reliability analysis plays a significant task in various industries like electronics, manufacturing, aerospace, automotive, and more. DfR serves to ensure reliability factors throughout the product development phase.
Contexts to Consider in the Design for Reliability
Designing for reliability is a required parameter for electrical and electronic industries, including the expected operational lifespan, acceptable failure rates, and the consequences of such defeats.
It allows for setting purposes for product performance as well as quality.
Risk assessment requirements
Identify and evaluate potential risks that influence product or system reliability by analyzing the causes, including expected operating lifespan, acceptable failure rates, and consequences of failure.
Adding critical devices in redundant mode ensures that the product can continue to function when one of these devices stops operating. It is the case of redundant power supplies in a system.
Quality Parts and Components
Use high-quality components that meet or exceed reliability specifications. Low-quality parts can significantly affect the product's reliability by affecting its performance, safety, and quality.
Testing and Failure Analysis
Implementing life cycle testing procedures throughout the design and manufacturing process, including environmental stress testing, helps to identify potential faults.
Make sure the design can withstand variations in temperature, humidity, vibration, and other environmental factors.
Consider failure analysis (MTBF) before the manufacturing stage to improve product reliability and quality.
Predictive Modeling
Evaluate the design's reliability under various conditions using predictive modeling and simulation models. This technique can help designers identify potential weaknesses and make improvements before production.
Continuous Improvement
The design should be reviewed and updated regularly based on feedback, testing results, and technological advancements.
By incorporating these principles into the design process, engineers can create products and systems that are functional and also reliable over their intended lifespan.
Regulatory Compliance
Comply with relevant industry standards and regulations to ensure that the design meets established criteria for reliability and safety.
Five steps for DfR
Define - Evaluate the design's reliability under various conditions using predictive modeling and simulation models. This technique can help designers identify potential weaknesses and make improvements before production. The initial step of a DFR program is to determine usage and environmental conditions. Reliability specifications lead to the creation of product design and manufacturing requirements.
Identify - this phase aims to identify potential risk elements in a new project or a product already in manufacturing and take corrective actions to mitigate potential threats.
Analyze – in the analysis phase, it is crucial to estimate the product's reliability before the design phase. It's possible to use MTBF estimates based on reliability predictions based on standards such as MIL-HDBK-217 or Telcordia SR-332.
Verify - the verification phase begins with either a design modification or a new development step. These changes are validated through environmental stress testing to simulate failures and verify corrective actions.
Sustain (monitor and control) - The product will be ready for manufacturing after reworking all the changes and reviewing for probable failures. Environmental tests, like the burn-in, can be carried out to evaluate faults in the infant mortality stage.
By incorporating these principles into the design process, engineers can develop products and systems that are functional, safe, and reliable over their intended lifespan.
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